
 Welcome back to my blog! Hope everyone reading had a nice Christmas break. It feels a bit weird writing blog posts again, it's going to take some getting used to!

 This week was all about planning the rest of the semester. First things first, I had to choose a topic I would be writing about for our document. I wanted to choose something that I could write enough about and was still interested in so I actually wanted to do the work. At first I chose a game console, in particular a Nintendo Switch. I quickly realised that there wasn't a lot to write about so I decided to do game consoles as a whole. I feel as though there will be a lot to talk about and it's still something I'm interested in. 

Here are some keywords I have chosen to research my topic:

1. Goals

2. Risks

3. Challenges

4. Competition

5. Marketing

6. Gameplay

7. Strategy

8. Obstacles

9. Demographic

10. Repitition


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