Unity Tutorial 1

 So I have just completed my first unity tutorial. Here are my thoughts.

At first, I was a little overwhelmed when I saw how long the tutorials were, so I feel as though I was already going into it having doubts. I didn't see how anything that took so long to explain would be easy to follow. After watching the first couple of videos however, I have to say that my mind changed. 

The videos were easy to follow and the man making them spoke slowly and clearly. Honestly downloading unity was the hard part! 

He was very clear on saying that we had to watch the videos then do them ourselves, which I understood. It would have been much too confusing trying to do it along with him. I admit I did try to do it with him but I soon realised it was indeed easier to watch then do.

He started off with the easy stuff like adding a car and some objects. Then it got into more difficult things like camera movements and angles. I found it tricky to get the camera position right but I got there in the end. 

When it came to the coding side, I feel like the web dev module helped a lot, as I was used to working around a html document like that, it could have been very confusing if I had never seen something like that before. 

All in all, it was a very interesting experience and I enjoyed it, much to my suprise!


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